

Case Study: Digital Adoption Reduces Expenses

̲app achieved $9.2 M in annual savings for their complex, multi-tiered retail customer. They reduced expenses by driving digital adoption leading to a corresponding decrease in print.

Providing Powerful Results


Invoice Cost Reduction


Catalog Distribution Cost Reduction


4.5 million Invoices & Envelopes Saved
1.6 million Catalogs Saved


Retailer Overview:

Our customer includes a variety of multi-channel retail brands and operational support companies. Their subsÍidiaries and affiliated companies deliver a wide array of products. In total, they offer ten distinct catalogues, including selections such as subscription food deliveries, apparel for women, lifestyle décor, seasonal trends, and more.

Reduce Costs via Digital Adoption

While digital shopping and subscription orders are part of the retailers strategy, they continue to spend millions of dollars on print catalogues and mailers. Identifying which product offerings and specific areas of interest their customers have is critical to their bottom line.

Program Objectives:

  • Develop extremely targeted direct mail campaigns
  • Encourage people to utilize their online or digital offerings
  • Foster digital adoption for billing and other administrative communications
  • Support their organizations Go Green initiatives


Solution #1

Catalog Print Suppression

The company started a pilot program that consisted of promotional communications including​ email, mail inserts, and website enrollment. After a successful start, they deployed the program at scale across the organization. This included tools and training for call center and support staff. As they promoted the program, digital adoption surged and print declined.

Since 2016, they have seen nearly 400K customers opt to move to digital catalogues and online ordering. With an average of 4 catalogs per customer per year at an average cost of $3.25, they achieved an annual savings of $5.2M. 

Retail Digital Adoption

Suppression Adoption

Solution #2

Paper Invoice Savings

̲app worked with our client to sort and identify unique customer personas with a specific focus on print suppression.

The accounting department was able to save almost $1.00 per invoice, resulting in $4m in annual savings since they began encouraging digital adoption in 2016.

Objective: Increase electronic delivery adoption for invoices

Case Study Print Suppression

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